关心英语词汇与句子的表达 - fun - fun
posted @ 2011年2月07日 19:31
in 英语学习
, 4432 阅读
hosted server
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S3 is slow as compared to an ordinary locally attached disk drive s3与本地磁盘相比来说,速度慢
To get 2 bits which appear 6 bits from the right in x 要得到x中右侧6位旁边的2位数 或说,取x中的7,8位,或说,从x的第7位开始,取两位
The more complex business requirements became, the more we focused on the so-called transactional processing part and designed the database structures accordingly. 商业要求越复杂,我们精力就越集中于所谓的事务处理,并且设计出相应的数据库结构。
Analytical and financial planning applications were increasingly moved out to separate systems for more flexibility and better performance. 分析和商业计划应用越来越偏离设计更加灵活和性能更优的系统。
These are but a few examples of the important role played by the priority queue as a basic tool in algorithm design.
This style of programming — whereby instead of using a return value you dei ne functions that are called by the system when interesting events occur — is called event-driven or asynchronous programming. 这种编程风格 -- 在感兴趣的事件发生时,你定义的函数被调用,取代了使用返回值 --被称为事件驱动 或 异步编程